My favorite method for brewing coffee is definitely pour over. It’s simple, inexpensive, convenient for travel, and the taste is amazing.
All you need is a pour over coffee dripper, filters, and a source of hot water. One of my favorite drippers is the Kalita Wave. I also love the Chemex for larger batches. I have an inexpensive version like this one, and it takes standard filters too.
You can use a tea kettle, electric hot water kettle, or, if you want to be authentic, a beehive kettle.
The process is pretty simple. First, using a quality burr grinder, grind your beans a bit courser than you might for regular drip coffee.
If you want to keep it simple, try 1/4 cup of beans for a 16oz cup. If you want to be more exact and consistent, grab one of these cheap gram scales and shoot for around 8g of coffee for every 5 oz of water.
Next, heat up the amount of water you will use for your cup of coffee. It should be just off of a boil but not boiling hot-about 30 seconds after the boil is usually good.
With your filter and coffee all set over your cup, add enough water to soak the grounds. This is called the “bloom pour”.

After about 30 seconds or so, begin to evenly pour water over the coffee grounds until all of your water is gone. Experiment with a stir at the end to get a bit more extraction.
That’s it. Oh, last step, enjoy!